Monday, October 13, 2008

Passing of a Friend

17 Years and 10 days, that's an old dog!

This was a sad weekend in the Brinson family, as we put our dog, Samantha Brinson, to sleep on Saturday Oct 10th. We are not worried about her though because as the movie says, all dogs go to heaven."

Sam has been a member of our family since the fateful day she showed up on our doorstep in 1992. She'd had 3 different owners (not including the breeders) in the first 6 months of her life! We were able to track down the original purchaser of her and she called the present "owner" of Sam. When he said that he hadn't even tried to look for her, during the days she had been missing, she asked us if we wanted to keep her. We of course said yes. I feel sorry for the other families who passed her up, because we have been more blessed than words can describe to have her as a part of our family.

Sam was an incredible dog, it will be hard to ever find another with such an awesome personality and the energy that she carried her whole life.

We will miss you Samantha!