Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Changing Seasons
His message tonight was on changing seasons in life. Was there anyone else in the room? I know that I was certainly meant to hear this one.
One point I especially liked and will be thinking on over then next few days is: Many times in our lives our foundations are shaken. When this happens we turn to God, only to find that it was God who was shaking them. Sometimes God must get our attention, and that is the only way he can.
5 Preparations of the heart, for a change in season
1) Have a heart of Gratitude (take NOTHING for granted)
2) Heart of Expectancy (Expect God's hand in your life)
3) A Humble heart (reach for heaven, but do so from your knees)
4) Focused heart ( every battle you face happens in the mind first, focus on what is right and good Phil 4:8)
5) A Relentless heart (don't give up)
Gal 6:9 - And let us not lose HEART and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in DUE TIME and at the appointed SEASON we shall REAP, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.
We all go through LOW (Lonely, Overwhelmed, Weak) points in our life. Use the Word to give you the strength you need to get you through these times.
Don't worry about the economy, your life,, money, children, or your job. God knows all of this and he isn't worried one bit. He created the heavens (yes all of the universe, that's a big place) and the earth. During all of this God never even broke a sweat. He did all of that so should a job or test or economy worry us when he is in control? NO!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Congrats Alex and Nancy
I have known Alex since we were 6 years old. We were in Tiger Cubs together! Alex is a steadfast friend and deserves the wonderful woman he has found in Nancy.
Good luck in the future, and thanks for the wonderful memories!!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Passing of a Friend
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Post Gustav
Gustav while not a very powerful hurricane at landfall was still able to produce the windiest storm in the recorded history of Baton Rouge. You can see the effects of this throughout the older neighborhoods of the city, like the one I live in called 100 Oaks. Most of the city has been out of power since Monday morning. Many parts, including my neighborhood, are not expected to get power back for some time, as many as 21 days. At least the electricity bill will be low this month.
On Friday Kristin and I had had enough of the hotel and decided to get away for a day, and headed to Lafayette to her Mom's house. We picked up a generator from her Dad's house and settled in for an easy night.
Today I have done not much more than sit on the couch and watch College football and the history channel. Kristin filled the day shopping for a wedding dress. I found out that wedding dresses cost more than the typical man's wedding band. She wears the dress for maybe 8 hours but the man wears the ring for the rest of his life.
This was a much needed day of rest, for the both of us.
Now we just have to get ready for the Ike. The bright side of this is if I don't have power restored by then at least I won't have to worry about losing electricity again.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Riding out the Storm

Friday, August 8, 2008
Life Without Kristin
Don't get me wrong, I have missed Kristin like no other, but I can't believe the trip is almost over already.
It makes me understand, slightly, how much she is in the same mindset, that she can't believe it's time to come home already.
Of course I also had a mini vacation with my family in St. Simon's Island, Ga. This defiantly distracted me from her absence a little.
I got to hang with my family for a few days. One of the highlights of the trip was getting to play Thomas' new course, Brunswick Country Club ( This course was designed by legendary Donald Ross, the Bob Ross of golf course design. The course is elegantly treacherous; it is wide open but deceiving when it comes to distance to the pin.
I can't wait to see my fiance again but I have an idea after the last 2 weeks as to how fast it can go by. I don't know if I am making known very clearly what my feelings are right now. What I am trying to say is that I now understand how short 2 weeks can be. I feel for her because she has to leave a place she has come to love after what is in reality a very short time. I now understand, albeit very small amount, how she is going to miss Swaziland.
I thank God for the work she has done over there and the work Swasziland has done on her.
Kristin, I can't wait to see you again!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Sunday June 29, 2008
Sleep in. I almost forgot how to do this. But then again when you have stayed up to 3:30 shooting the breeze for the last two nights, you aren’t actually getting any extra sleep.
This weekend is the Porsche Club of Amreica’s annual Porsche Parade. The event took place in Charlotte this year. Sunday was the actual car show, and competition. There were people in the competition that were there at 6:30am wheels off their cars, actually cleaning their brakes with Q-tips. That’s some pretty serious stuff. So we walked down to the show, there were probably close to 500 Porsches lining the streets of Uptown Charlotte. It was a beautiful sight.
Most of these rides were immaculate. The only model of Porsche I did not see represented was the Porsche tractor. So they did a pretty good job of representing the entire gambit of Porsche history.
We then went down to the Lake rode the Jet skis and boats around, lounged around for the rest of the day.
After this weekend I don’t really want to go back to work. I just want to do things like this for the rest of my life. Although I guess I have to pay for it somehow.
Saturday June 28, 2008
This was a weekend that Bryan had planned for us to do for the last few weeks. The only thing was that I was not allowed to know what we were doing. All he did was tell me what kind of clothes to bring. After the obligatory showing off of the ride Bryan and I head up to the mecca of speed in Charlotte, Lowes Motor Speedway. We then spent 3 hours or so racing karts on the infield karting track. For those of you who don’t know karting is not your average go-kart. These things require racing suits and helmets and are capable of speeds in excess of 100mph and can travel from 0-100-0mph in 6 seconds.
During one of the brakes from karting Bryan says “stay right there I have to go get something.” He comes back giving me a piece of paper and says “I need you to fill this out.” I look down and it is my liability waiver for the Richard Petty Driving Experience. So we spend the next couple of hours and do the Rookie class for the RPDE. At the end you get 8 laps (far too few) in the car on the track. According to the instructors the fastest that they will allow the students to go is a 43 sec lap. Remember the cup cars are qualifying in the high 20s. Of course that is what I scored, with a top speed of 141.05mph. There was so much more speed in that car. I wish that they would have allowed me to actually push it. The only downside to this adventure was that just as Bryan got strapped into the car it started to pour rain. He didn’t get to run. He wasn’t too disappointed though because he did get to drive a Ferrari away from the track.
I love how that rolls off of the tongue, why don’t you try it right now, just say it out loud, F-e-r-r-a-r-i.
The day concluded by checking out Dale Jr’s new bar in Charlotte, Whiskey River. It was ok, but we ended up at the ole faithful new bar, Ri Ra.
In the wise words of Ricky Bobby, “I wanna go fast.”
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Mark how was your day, Friday June 27?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Comfort Zones
All of the biggest breakthroughs in my life have occurred when I have totally stepped out of my zone, dating Kristin long distance, starting back to church, moving to Baton Rouge, and most recently going on an outreach at our church's Dream Center campus.
We loaded up on Saturday morning into the back of a pickup truck and headed into the ghetto of BR. I was terrified to be doing this, but decided to stick with it. I have never willingly done this in my life. I was not comfortable enough to be one of the people passing out drinks and care packets so all I did was pick up trash. It was honestly one of the most rewarding things I have done in a while. I am still not entirely comfortable with the idea but I will be doing it again.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
She Said Yes!
We were on our way home from our lifegroup meeting and I had Kristin stop at the Crosses. I knew she wouldn't really be expecting it, so I had to do it quickly. This is one of her favorite places so I knew it would be meaningful for her.
Please don't ask when its going to be and all that good stuff. We will be giving everybody more information as soon as we know it.
Friday, April 25, 2008
HPC Men’s Conference
Dino Rizzo and Mike Haman just hosted the first HPC Men’s Conference. They lined up some truly great speakers, Coach Bill McCartney, Kevin Mawae, Joel A’bell, and Zhenya Kasevich. There were two breakout sessions, the one I attended was hosted by Dino and was a panel with Julio Malara and Le Domainge. These two men are both very successful businessmen who’s calling in life is to make money for God and to minister to the business world. One of the questions that was asked was “What do you tell people when you are at a conference and a young man asks you what is your secret?” Julio said without hesitation “I answer my personal relationship with Jesus Christ.” He said that the usual reply is something like, “that’s great but what’s your secret?” So he tells them again. I could sit and glean knowledge from these two men for days on end.
The speaker who touched me the most was Joel A’bell of Hillsong in Australia. He talked about the 5 weaknesses or traits rather that the Devil likes to attack men with. I have to say that I defiantly struggle with one or two of them. And about when we get idle we tend to lose focus on what is important. He really made me realize that the last 2 months I have been focusing too much energy on work and allowing it to define me. I have been so intent on it that I have stopped reading the books that better my life, and stopped really studying the Bible. I had based too much of my happiness on what was happening at work and not on what was good in my life.
I have resolved to change those areas and have felt so much better over the last week. I am taking the problems at work in stride, and focusing on my relationship with God and Kristin. In just one week I have felt a change, I am sleeping better and more restfully, I have much more energy and I see God working in my life again.
What a great weekend.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Bittersweet Weekend

Sunday, April 6, 2008
An End To Suffering
The good thing is that she had a relationship and is now sitting with Jesus, and I am sure has already had a great long hug from my grandfather who went ahead of her in 1991. All suffering and confusion that she had here over the last few years has now evaporated away, and she now has clarity that we can not even imagine.
What kind of woman was she?
If anyone asks what kind of person she was, all I have to do is tell them to look at my father and then tell me what kind of person she was. For the last 9 years she has been living in an assisted living home in Charlotte. My father took the reigns on taking care of her and staying with her while this disease ran its course. My parents were determined that grandma would not be one of those that was left in a home and forgotten. Everyday Dad would get off of work and have dinner with her (although in the past 3-4 years he has actually been feeding her). He would even go on Sat and Sunday. If for some unforeseen reason my Dad couldn't make it my Mom would go in his stead.
So what kind of woman was she?
If children are a reflection of their parents then, she must have been an incredible woman because my father is one incredible man to do what he did.
Though it is sad, I am thankful that the suffering is over for her and that she can finally see what heaven is like.
We'll miss you Di-Di mama.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
God's Spin

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
I have been thinking today about blogging. I don't ever do it, and I've been told that either you do it or you don't. I see other people's blogs and think that everyone seems to have something to say every day, and I don't. So I though that I would just give it up and close my account today, but then I saw this story.
If you don't want to read it then here is a brief synopsis. A boy drew the picture seen above for his school assignment, and the teacher gave him a zero because it depicted a cross and religious verse. The teacher says that he was trying to promote religious views. The boy is suing because he says that there are figurines of buddha and indian gods around school and other kids were allowed to draw demonic images. So why is he not allowed to show his religious views.
I agree 100% with this kid. I think he has the right to draw whatever he wants, and that the school and all of these atheist fanatics out there don't have the right to try and take away a kid's first amendment right that they themselves so freely use. I believe that there is a minority in the US that is allowed to persecute/segregate against Christians, (who by the way founded the country and make up a majority of the population). I wish that something would be done about that, I would vote for that Guy, if he ran.
So my initial reaction was outrage at what was going on, but then God smacked me on the back of the head and said "No, look again." So I did, and I had to laugh. The anti-Christians out there have tried to block this kid and not show his religious values. But just like Romans 8:28 says God spun it around and this art and story has now been broadcast to a million times more people than would ever have seen it otherwise. This teacher and other "equal rights" activists were trying to stop the spread of God's message, but God will always find a way.